A Seminar For All Legal Professionals

Despite the outcry and ongoing publicity surrounding the Post Office scandal, lawyers in England and Wales still have to battle the Law Commission presumption concerning the dependability of computer evidence.

Professor Stephen Mason has provided the case law and tactical methodology that every legal professional working in English law needs in rebutting this presumption.

With Professor Mason’s assistance, we have distilled his work into a two hour training seminar, at which all attendees will receive a physical copy of his book, Electronic Evidence and Electronic Signatures.

Faced with the inevitable delays in the Law Society et al correcting their flawed approach, this training will be invaluable for anyone dealing with any form of electronic evidence in court.

We are committed to sharing at least 30% of any profit made from these seminars with the Horizon Scandal Fund for affected sub-postmasters.

We’d like to think, too, that all of our attendees are future-proofing themselves from joining this list!

Click here for our latest Seminar – Electronic Evidence in Light of the Post Office Scandal