H2o2Go Watering Carts

H2o2go Cart

We care about plants and we want to help you care for them too

Handcrafted in the UK: We manufacture mobile pressurised watering carts which require NO pumps or electricity. We supply major Supermarkets and Variety Retailers, Garden Centres, as well as businesses in Interior Landscaping, Indoor Plant Care for offices and hotels, and individuals involved in Outdoor Plant Care in Allotments, Community Groups and many more. We are based in London and the south east of the UK but sell our products globally

Benefits / USPs

The H2o2go Cart is a visual demonstration of your commitment to plant care for both customers and staff. Customers see that you take pride in the condition of your horticultural stock through the purchase of professional equipment, and horti staff are made to feel valued through the companys’ commitment to providing them with the best equipment for this task, resulting in increased engagement in watering.

Less time spent refilling watering cans means your staff can spend more on other tasks

Pressurised water with NO pumps or electricity: Simply fill up from a mains tap and GO!

Reduce plant waste through effective and efficient watering
Increase sales through displaying healthier plants and demonstrating a professional plant care image
Through the reduction of risk from leaky watering cans and trailing hoses. This allows you to water the plants more efficiently, even during business hours
Easily manoeuvrable even when full and in confined spaces

Proof Of Concept & Return On Investment

We have worked with numerous national and international retailers, supporting trials to demonstrate the business case for our products, which have resulted in national rollouts of our products across food, garden and variety retail sectors, both nationally and internationally. Furthermore our products are now on equipment lists for all new store openings across a number of retailers.